Fluid Gifts corporate gifting platform

Twelve Benefits of Gifting in the Sales Process – part 3

Scott Sipherd – December 1, 2023

Having delved into how gifting can foster word-of-mouth marketing, strengthen business relationships, and enhance upselling and cross-selling opportunities, it’s evident that this strategy holds immense potential for any business. In the final installment of our series, we will uncover additional dimensions of gifting in sales. We’ll discuss how it can serve as a powerful tool for re-engagement, demonstrate customer appreciation, bolster your company’s reputation, and create unique personalization and branding opportunities, further cementing your brand’s position in today’s competitive business landscape. Let’s explore these compelling strategies to fully harness the power of gifting in your sales approach.


9. Providing a Touchpoint for Re-engagement

Sending a gift can help reconnect with past or inactive clients, reigniting their interest in your products or services.

Use case: A marketing agency sends a care package to old clients who haven’t been active for six months. The agency can follow up on the gift with a call, and use the gift as a talking point to reintroduce their services.


10. Demonstrating Customer Appreciation

Showing customer appreciation through gifting demonstrates that you value their business and avoid taking them for granted. This fosters a culture of gratitude that appeals to current and future clients.

Use case: To thank a long-term business partner, a software company sends a fancy coffee machine to their office. They also include a note expressing gratitude for their ongoing support. This creates a culture of appreciation and strengthens the bond between the company and their partner.


11. Enhancing Company Reputation

Giving appropriate gifts can improve your company’s reputation for good customer service and attention to detail.

Use case: A prestigious car dealership gives new car buyers a special maintenance kit with expensive car care items.  The company increases their reputation for taking care of customers, their products, and giving great service.


12. Personalization and Branding Opportunities

You can use customized gifts to promote your brand and keep it in the client’s memory. This is especially beneficial if the gift is a useful item that the customer interacts with regularly.

Use case: An accounting firm gives its clients a special notebook with their initials and the firm’s logo. Another prospective client notices this notebook and asks about it. Now accounting firm’s brand is tied to their clients, and word of mouth spreads.


As we wrap up our comprehensive exploration of the Twelve Benefits of Gifting in the Sales Process, it’s evident that this strategy is more than just a thoughtful gesture; it’s a powerful business tool. From providing a platform for re-engagement and showing customer appreciation to enhancing company reputation and offering personalization opportunities, gifting within the sales process proves to be a multifaceted approach for driving growth, loyalty, and competitive edge.

We hope this series has illuminated the untapped potential of gifting in your business strategy and inspired innovative ideas for integrating this practice into your sales approach. Remember, the essence of gifting in sales is not just in the act itself, but in the lasting relationships and brand loyalty it cultivates. Thank you for joining us on this insightful journey, and may your future endeavors be enriched with the successful implementation of these strategies.