Fluid Gifts corporate gifting platform

Twelve Benefits of Gifting in the Sales Process – part 2

Scott Sipherd – November 27, 2023

Building on our previous discussion about the role of gifting in enhancing customer loyalty and brand reputation, let’s explore more dynamic aspects of this strategy. We will examine how gifting can catalyze word-of-mouth marketing, solidify business relationships, and even facilitate upselling and cross-selling, all of which are crucial for nurturing a thriving business environment. Let’s dive into these transformative strategies, starting with the power of encouraging word-of-mouth marketing through thoughtful gifting.


5. Encouraging Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Happy customers who receive gifts speak positively about your brand to others. They’re also more likely to refer others to your company, thereby increasing your customer base. This can provide you with valuable word-of-mouth marketing.

Use case: A couple celebrates their anniversary at a special restaurant. They receive a free dessert and are sent a card and a beautiful package of the restaurant’s special spice mix. This stands out to them, and they share their experience with friends and on social media. Their posts spread the word about the restaurant.


6. Strengthening Business Relationships

Amplify business relationships by giving gifts to suppliers, vendors, or other stakeholders, not just customers.

Use case: A software company sends a nice desk organizer to its important vendors and partners at the end of a good year. They also send a note to say thank you for working together. This strengthens their business relationship and opens opportunities for future projects together.


7. Facilitating Upselling and Cross-Selling

Giving customers gifts increases the likelihood of them making additional purchases. They feel that their business is valued and appreciated.

Use case: When a customer buys an expensive laptop, the store sends them free earbuds and a discount coupon on related accessories. This incentive encourages the customer to consider purchasing additional products like a laptop case or an extended warranty.


8. Easing the Negotiation Process

A thoughtful gift can act as a goodwill gesture, smoothing negotiations. It sets a positive tone that can be advantageous when discussing terms or resolving issues.

Use case: A training company sends snacks to their client’s decision-making team before discussing contract renewal. This creates an atmosphere that benefits the training company when their terms are reviewed.


As we conclude our exploration of how gifting can revolutionize aspects like word-of-mouth marketing, business relationships, and upselling opportunities, it’s clear that the potential of this strategy is vast and varied. We invite you to join us for the third and final installment of this series, where we will dive into more innovative ways that gifting can re-engage customers, show appreciation, enhance your brand’s reputation, and offer personalized branding opportunities. Keep an eye out for our concluding discussion, where we’ll uncover the final pieces of this impactful sales strategy puzzle.